Home Winners & finalists #EroArmy
Promotion System
Rules Sponsorships
Tshirt #OpenYourBook
Register for Voting,
being a Nominee or Gala

 EroShop (86%)
Vote & Buy!

  2024 | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016

#EroAward2024, 9th edition, 16 November 2024 (Spain):

#DomAwards - The Domination & Dominating Awards!
The Gala Awards #EroAward2024, our 9th edition, will be on 16 november 2024, in Spain (Lloret de mar, near Barcelona). Although in 2024 we still offer nomination categories for ALL types of influencers, talent, professionals, companies and fans from Adult Industry, our 9th edition will give extra space to Domination fetishes & Bitcoin, through:

- EroShop - like OnlyFans, but better (Web 3.0 shop, membership for Content Creators and promotion through awards nominations, Mastodon & VanityWars monthly contests);

GuruSatoshi.com - which offers Cryptotrading Education for creators;

 - Financial & Female Domination (FinDom & FemDom), the hottest fetishes nowadays, through our main sponsor,
SupremeGoddesses.com, that will launch soon.


As you know, EroAward is the only award that works & INNOVATES for You FULL TIME: 365 days per year, 24 hours per day, 7 days per week! Our award never sleeps, pal! :) Who ya knaw doin' betta?

The Bitcoin Award of Adult Industry!
EroAward - the international Bitcoin Award of EROtism (livecams, porn & erotism) promotes the Best of the Bestest (La Crème de la Crème!!!) stars (influencers, content creators, cammodels, porn stars, erotic stars), webmasters, affiliates & stars promoters, cam studios & porn producers, adult industry professionals, companies and also fans.

What #EroAward2024 brings NEW:

- although launched in 2022, EroShop continues to receive registrations from lots of new Content Creators, Studios & Affiliates, and in 2024 will be completely integrated, rewarding all nominees and voters also with Money, not only Votes & Trophies!
Stop working! Start EARNING! -
like OF + Twitter but in Web 3.0, more innovative, more flexible, with less limitations & more fun!

- from 2023, EVERYBODY makes Money with EroAward: even the Fans, the Voters and Promoters (amateurs or professionals), through EroShop affiliate program!

-  the Votes Bonus - EroAward is the Most Gamified award ("Play To Earn" Votes, Money & Promotion)!
The KEY to involve maximum of people into an award is to maximize the Fun & MONEY that EVERYBODY can get: Stars & Studios Nominees, Voters, Promoters, Fans, etc! While at the other awards, their game is extremely simple (People vote 1-2 months other people & companies, and winners receive a trophy during an evening dinner-gala! That's all!), at EroAward we raised the game at a total different level & category: State Of The Art!
The most important things to be an EroAward Winner are the VOTES, like at any award!
With the Votes Bonus, we are gamifying much more our awards and rewarding nominees with Extra votes, for EACH ACTION they or their voters make to support their nomination: Asking for votes in twitter, instagram, pornhub, xvideos, etc? Asking for votes in background, avatar, pinned posts, etc? Making pictures/videos with #EroAwardTshirt or the EroAward trophy (#PlayWithYourTrophy)? Making videos to ask for votes or to thank for helping to win a trophy? Joining our projects (EroShop, stars.eroaward.com, #OpenYourBook #CultureIsSexy) and our sponsors offers (Net4sw, SupremeGoddesses)? Your fans are promoting your nomination on their social networks, asking also other people to vote for you? With EroAward, the more you and your fans do, the more Votes, Promotion and Bitcoin, you and your fans get!

- Other new things
We added new & exciting categories, and open to your ideas for adding more. Follow our social media to get all the news!


EroShop - Vote & Buy!

Females & straight Couples




Allysa Quinn


Niki Sky


Lolly Glams

Kate Utopia

Kate Utopia

Natasha Bomb

Natasha Bomb


Mary Lyne




Do you want to join
EroShop to sell your
OnlyFans services?

86% for Models!

Join HERE!

More Stars Soon!




Do you want to join
EroShop to sell your
OnlyFans services?

86% for Models!

Join HERE!

More Stars Soon!


Luxy Shy

Do you want to join
EroShop to sell your
OnlyFans services?

86% for Models!

Join HERE!

More Stars Soon!

- 80% for Content Creators; - 86% for Content Creators - the biggest percentage from earnings offered in Industry!
- No ready made shops! Each creator has to spend time building their own profile-shop, spend time learning through trials and errors what to sell and what not, but with a small space to put a large and clear offer of products & services. - Ready Made Shops with 107 Items (services & products), that can be easily increased! Great for beginners, that can start to sell from the 1st day with a Huge Shop! No more wasting time with trials & errors, with learning what to sell, what sells more and what not!
Example: ero.cx/4
- NO Account managers that can build things for Creators! - Account Managers that can set up for Creators their profile on Stars.EroAward.com, their EroShop (ero.cx) and their War Page!
- payments in dollars or euros, in 24 hours or 7 days, through banks & other intermediaries; - payments in Bitcoin, are Instant and DIRECT: the money goes directly from Customer to Creator! No more intermediaries! (We also offer bank transfers or paypal, for creators/studios who don't know to use bitcoin).
- Customers can pay only in fiat currencies. No bitcoin and no other cryptocurrencies! - Customers can pay in 100 different cryptocurrencies, not only bitcoin!
- Creators & Affiliates, can be paid only in fiat currencies, through bank transfers. - Creators, Affiliates & Studios, can be paid in bitcoin, paypal and bank transfers.
- Studios are NOT accepted; - We accept Studios!
- many limitations for the amounts spent by fans, or the prices that creators can ask: "$100 cap on paid private messages, and a $50 cap on pay-per-view posts for creators who don't charge a subscription. Maximum tip price of $100 for the first four months a user is active on the site." - NO LIMITATIONS for the amounts spent by customers (They can spend 1 million from the first second!) and no limitations for creators' prices! Creators can ask how much they want for any service or product they want!
- for the biggest majority of small creators, there is ZERO Promotion! - Promotion for ALL creators, by different means:
- EroAward nomination - that is Viral, as people love to vote, be voted, share their votes and nominations and LOTS of people watch awards (from curiosity or envy)!
- Mastodon promotion (the most important competitor for Twitter) - through our own Stars.EroAward.com network and our sponsors Net4sw.com (the network for adult content creators, fans, fetishists & swingers). Mastodon is a decentralised network with over 10 million active users!
- VanityWars.com - monthly contests & awards through public tips;
- Web 2.0 &  closed source code, generate less innovation. - Web 3.0 (latest technologies) - EroShop is built on decentralisation: payments (Bitcoin) and social network platform (Mastodon). They are both open-sources, so anybody can add improvements and increase innovations!
- no short URLs for creators, only long like OnlyFans.com/name; - each creator has a short url like ero.cx/code, that is much easier to be promoted everywhere by stars, fans, promoters!
- Awards not included and little interest in awards. - Awards included, and a great interest in viral promotion through awards! ALL the Stars who join EroShop are AUTOMATICALLY nominated also at EroAward each year!!!
- They don't focus mainly on adult. - Although we are open for all content creators, we are built MAINLY for Adult Industry! So, don't worry about losing your account and work, because you do adult!

 Want to give it a try? Register to EroShop!

Actually, and luckily, you don't have to choose one or another, you can try BOTH! And take advantage of the fact that at EroShop WE DO ALL THE WORK FOR YOU to create your profiles, promote you, assist you with getting paid and how to deliver your services/products! ;)

The Winners List 2023



Why EroAward is Number One?
#EroAwardFIRST & #MostInnovativeAward)

- EroAward was the FIRST award to come in March 2018 with the idea of offering Stars solutions to earn money during nomination, and although in 2020 (after 2 years) another big award took the idea from us, we finally launched EroShop in 2022, but as we want to maintain our #MostInnovativeAward title, we will include lots of NEW & better features!

EroAward was the FIRST (and only) award to put #StarsFirst!
All the other awards are focused only on companies (sponsors), that's why EroAward is the amazing alternative that puts the big lights on Stars, Fans & Promoters!

- from all the new awards created in the last 10 years, EroAward was the FIRST to have MILLIONS of views for our Galas! There are only 4 awards in the world who have millions in views: 3 are in USA and EroAward in Europe! All the other awards beside these 4, have few hundreds of views, or maximum few thousands! All these awards together have less than 10% of what EroAward reached, and some of them almost don't exist in social media! Who knows about them??? But, you know what is the most awesome news???? ----> We're only at 0.000000001% of what we can do...GET READY FOR WHAT'S COMING!!!

¿¿¿ What other award excites you more than EroAward ???
(Or maybe you prefer to get bored with boring awards who bring nothing new, interesting or useful, and where you already know who will win...)

Many Stars who won or were nominated at other awards, were FIRST Nominated or Winners at EroAward!

- EroAward was the first award to surpass the 1.000.000 votes in 2017, our 2nd edition!
After us, also the other awards started to anounce the same...;)

- Some industry professionals (famous cam, porn or fetish stars, youtubers, promoters, cam studios, affiliates, bloggers, etc) & fans, they started to come at adult industry congresses & awards, by FIRST coming to EroAward & CamSum! Our award reaches FIRST where others can't!

EroAward was the first (and only one) to introduce categories for FANS!
---> #FansAward
(At least 1 award already took the idea from us, this year...)

We want Fans to have the maximum power to decide who should win, not like other awards, where only the sponsors and their stars win! (So boring!)

- EroAward was the first to introduce more than one category for PROMOTERS! ---> #Respect4Promoters
With this move, we want to show more respect for the great contribution that the Promoters, amateurs or professionals (affiliates, webmasters, bloggers, etc.) have, as well as rewarding them with trophies and from 2022, also with Money: the Stars & Studios referral program for EroShop (80 euros / star referred, the biggest pay per model from all camsites, clipstores or membership sites! The Star referral program is also open for stars, fans, cam & porn studios, companies, etc).

- EroAward was the first (and only one!) to introduce categories for BITCOIN, since 2019!
The same, CamSum.com was the FIRST to offer seminars & expert panels about "Bitcoin & crypto payments for CamModels & Porn Stars"!

- EroAward was the FIRST to introduce Stars categories for: Romanians, Moldavians, Ukraineans, Arabians & Germans, as well as many other original categories, that aim to best represent & reward the Erotic Industry in all its complexity, richness and continuos fast evolution!

- EroAward has more categories for FETISHES than all the other awards!

- EroAward has more categories for FINANCIAL DOMINATION than all the other awards!

- EroAward has more categories for GAYS than all the other awards!

- EroAward has more categories for TRANS than all the other awards!

- EroAward has more categories for LATINS than all the other awards!

Get your trophy, get your crown!Get your trophy, get your crown!

There are only 2 awards who offer their own social network
for Nominees & Voters, and EroAward is one of them!

Have you joined our Nominees network?
Is like Twitter, but better!


You can interact with other Nominees and with the Voters & Promoters from
Net4SW.com - the NETwork for Adult Content creators, SWingers, Fans & Promoters!

#Respect4Promoters, the biggest Team of Promoters & Team of teams!

As we always encouraged everybody to ask themselves "What is the Value of an award?", while we believed that we can come with the best answer ("More money in your pocket!"), the group of promoters that we managed to attract in #EroArmy became a very powerful promotion tool for anybody to use. For example, on Twitter, we created in 2017-2018, around 500 Promotion Groups, with around 25.000 cammodels, pornstars, cam studios, cam sites, porn producers, promoters , fans and fans-promoters, all supporting each other. For the next year, we want to create a much powerful link between the professionals and amateurs promoters & fans, in one side, and cammodels, pornstars and companies who need promotion, on the other side. Also, we invite all the Teams of Promoters to join us, so we can create the Biggest Team of Teams, that can benefit us all! We have worked very hard and 24/7/365 to create all these and believe that the value of what we offer, highly exceeds any other awards who give little beside a shiny trophy and a dinner in a nice restaurant, that look more like "dinner with friends", ending in few pictures and videos uploaded online, who get few tens or maximum hundreds views...So sad...:(

Diamond sponsor:

SupremeGoddesses.com - Main & proud sponsor of EroAward.
SupremeGoddesses is nominated as
185 Best Alternative Site for CamModels
220 Best New Adult Project
at #EroAward2024.
Please, vote!
Bitcoin, FinDom, Paypigs & Goddesses

- the #FansAward!

All the awards from Adult Entertainment try to address both parts: B2B (professionals & companies) as well as B2C (consumers/fans), but in reality, they all are mainly focused on B2B. EroAward  also targeted the 2 parts and will continue to do it, but from this year, we chose to focus mainly on B2C, the Fans. We want to be the award that can prove with real numbers that we receive(d) the biggest number of votes from the fans.


Net4sw - the Network for Adult Content Creators & Swingers
Net4SW is nominated as
255 Best Adult Social Network
at #EroAward2024.
Please, vote!

#EroArmy - the biggest social media movement in Adult Entertainment! (#EroArmy Promotion System)

EroAward became in 2017, in less than 2 years, the #MostVotedAward in Adult Entertainment, with over 1.300.000 votes, and we're glad to see that after us, also other awards started to anounce "over 1 million votes"! ;) But it was right after 2017 edition that we had the biggest surprise & achievement: When we created EroAward, we imagined that our relationship with the Industry/nominees will be bi-directional: we promote them and their nominations at EroAward, and they promote their nominations & EroAward. At one point, something totally different happened, when our bi-directional relationship went VIRAL by evolving to a multi-directional and much more complex one, as all the people who were joining us directly or indirectly, they were promoting each other, so EroAward became a "One for All" and "All for One" group, all supporting each other, the same like an army. That way, #EroAwardArmy became a huge movement on all social medias, and as we are the only award running all year, 24/7/365, we are probably the biggest and best promotion system for all those involved in Adult, especially because our evolution was natural, so no fake traffic or big amounts of money paid to influence things: the more than 27.000 professionals, cam models, porn stars, promoters, companies and fans, simply LOVE to be part of our #EroArmy!"

Go crazy! 
One for the Trophy, two for the Show!

The voting schedule:

1. Nominations
(4 March 2024 -  15 November 2024)
Everybody who registers with Name + Email,
can nominate a star, promoter, webmaster, fan,  artist, professional or company.

2. Gala awards
(16 November 2024, Spain/Lloret de mar)
The winners are released during EroAward Gala.

3. Winners & Finalists List
(19-30 November 2024)
The List with the Winners and Finalists
(top 1-20 most voted)
is displayed on site.

EroAward.com - #MostVotedAward!

EroAward 2024 categories:
(read here the full description of each category)

Photo Models, CamModels, PornStars:

(models who join EroShop, non-votable)
1 Top Earner EroShop Girl
2 Top Earner EroShop Boy
3 Top Earner EroShop Trans
4 Top Earner EroShop Couple

(models who register to EroShop, votable)
5 Best EroShop Girl
6 Best EroShop Boy
7 Best EroShop Trans
8 Best EroShop Couple

11  Best #OpenYourBook Star (EroAward Tshirt)
12 Best Twerk Star (EroAward Tshirt)

280 Bitcoin Bitch / Bitcoin Star

324 Best Can*abis Star

276 Beauty Queen
277 Beauty Queen (trans)
278 Beauty King
279 Beauty Royal Couple

297 Best Fans-Subscribe Star (Membership)
9     Best Skype Model
10   Best Whatsapp Model
235 Best SexPhone Model
236 Best Dirty Talker
331 Most Erotic Voice Star

15   Queen Of Cams
240 Queen of Cams (Trans)
13   King of Cams
291 Royal CamCouple

16 Best CamGirl
17 Best CamBoy
18 Best CamTrans
19 Best CamCouple

20 Best Independent CamModel
21 Best Studio CamModel

22 Best FreeShow CamModel
23 Best PrivateShow CamModel

24 Best Romanian CamGirl
25 Best Romanian CamBoy
26 Best Romanian CamTrans
27 Best Romanian CamCouple

28 Best Colombian CamGirl
29 Best Colombian CamBoy
30 Best Colombian CamTrans
31 Best Colombian CamCouple

32 Best Latin CamGirl
33 Best Latin CamBoy
34 Best Latin CamTrans
35 Best Latin CamCouple

36 Best Spanish CamGirl
37 Best Spanish CamBoy
38 Best Spanish CamTrans
39 Best Spanish CamCouple

40   Best NorthAmerican Model
41   Best WestEuropean Model
42   Best EastEuropean Model
44   Best Ukrainian Model
45   Best Moldavian Model
46   Best Ebony Model
47   Best Asian Model
48   Best Francophone Model
49   Best Arab Model
237 Best German Model
302 Best Hungarian Star
303 Best Czech Star

50   Queen of Porn
253 Queen of Porn (Trans)
14   King of Porn
292 Royal Porn Couple

51   Best Porn Female
52   Best Porn Male
250 Best Porn Male (Gay)
53   Best Porn Trans
54   Best Porn Couple

55   Best New Porn Female
56   Best New Porn Male
256 Best New Porn Male (Gay)
57   Best New Porn Trans
58   Best New Porn Couple

241 Best New Spanish Porn Female
242 Best New Spanish Porn Male
243 Best New Spanish Porn Trans
244 Best New Spanish Porn Couple

245 Best New Latin Porn Female
246 Best New Latin Porn Male
247 Best New Latin Porn Trans
248 Best New Latin Porn Couple

59 Best Spanish Porn Female
60 Best Spanish Porn Male
61 Best Spanish Porn Trans
62 Best Spanish Porn Couple

63 Best Latin Porn Female
64 Best Latin Porn Male
65 Best Latin Porn Trans
66 Best Latin Porn Couple

67   Best Stage PornShow
251 Best Douple Penetration Model
252 Best Triple Penetration Female
68   Best GangBang Actor/Actrice
69   Best Porn-Cam Model

70 Best Clips Girl
71 Best Clips Boy
72 Best Clips Trans
73 Best Clips Couple

74 Best Tube Girl
75 Best Tube Boy
76 Best Tube Trans
77 Best Tube Couple

285 Biggest Tip Star

78   Best Boobs
79   Best Blonde BigBoobs
80   Hottest Ass
81   Best Pussy
307 Best Pussy Creampie Star
318 Big Toys Pussy Star
82   Best Dick
83   Best Bush Model
286 Best Hairy Model
84   Sexiest Legs
85   Best Gym Body

86  Best Kisser
87  Sweetest Model
88   Sexiest Model
234 Best Erotic Model
89   Top Stylish Model
90   Top Glamour Model
91   Top Latin Glamour Model
92   Greatest Diva
93   Greatest Bitch

94  Supreme Goddess
95  Glamour Supreme Goddess
96  Trans Supreme Goddess
97  Trans Glamour Supreme Goddess
107 Best FinDom Model
328 Best FinDom Duo

269 Best Stage Fetish Show
271 Best Fetish CamModel
98   Best Fetish Star (female)
329 Funniest Fetish Star
291 Best Fetish Gay Star
261 Best Fetish Trans Star
99   Best Sex Acrobat
100 Best Tattoo Model
272 Best Latex Star
101 Best BDSM Model
102 Best Mistress/Master
325 Best Smoking Mistress/Master
326 Best Classy Mistress
327 Best FemDom Duo
330 Funniest Mistress/Master
314 Best Slave Star
258 Best Fetish Dungeon
232 Best Switch Model
103 Best Bondage Model
104 Best Shibari Model
105 Best Shibari Rigger
106 Best FootFetish Model
108 Best Bratty Princess
109 Femme Fatale
110 Best Humiliatrix
111 Best Smoking Fetish Model
112 Best Cosplay Model
113 Best Role Play Model
310 Best FuckMachine Star
311 Best Strapon Queen
312 Best Latex Star
313 Best Leather Star
301 High Heels Queen

114 Best Alternative Model
115 Best Goth Model
116 Best Punk Model
117 Best Rock Model

320 Best Lesbians Porn Couple
321 Best Lesbians Cam Couple
322 Best Gays Porn Couple
323 Best Gays Cam Couple

118 Best Squirt Model
281 Best Pee Model
119 Best Oral
315 Best Blowjob Star
316 Best Cunnilingus Star
300 Best Facial Star
306 Big Ass Queen
317 Best Rimming Star
120 Best Anal
298 Best Double-Anal Penetration Star
352 Best Triple Anal Star
308 Best Anal Creampie Star
309 Best Analgap Star
319 Big Toys Anal Star
299 Best Anal Fisting Star
121 Best Curvy Model
122 Best BBW
123 Best Teen
124 Best Milf
125 Best Granny
126 Best Dilf
231 Sexiest Nerd Model
127 Funniest Model
128 Craziest Model
129 Smartest Model
130 Most Original Model
131 Best Entertainer Model
132 Best BusinessMind Model
133 Most Complete Adult Entertainer
134 Best Solo Site
135 Best UndiesSeller Model
139 Best Boudoir Model

144 Best Drag Queen
145 Best CrossDresser Model

Influencers, Gamers & Brand Ambassadors:

138 Best Influencer
304 Sexiest TikToker
137 Sexiest Instagramer
305 Twitch HotTub Queen
136 Best Snapchat Model
287 Best YouTuber
288 Sexiest YouTuber
296 Best Brand Ambassador
233 Sexiest Gamer

Dancers, Gogos, Strippers & Fitness:

140 Best Burlesque Model
141 Sexiest FitnessTrainer
239 Best Gogo Dancer
282 Sexiest Dancer
142 Best Stripper
143 Best Pole Dancer

Promoters, webmasters, bloggers:

147 Best EroAwardArmy Models Promoter (Girls & hetero)
148 Best EroAwardArmy Models Promoter (Boys & gays)
149 Best EroAwardArmy Models Promoter (Trans)

150 Best Models Promoter (Girls & hetero)
151 Best Models Promoter (Boys & gays)
152 Best Models Promoter (Trans)

153 Best Goddesses Promoter (FinDom)
154 Best Glamour Goddesses Promoter (FinDom)
155 Best Trans Goddesses Promoter (FinDom)
156 Best Trans Glamour Goddesses Promoter (FinDom)

157 Best Cam Moderator
158 Best Cam Bio Designer
159 Best Webmaster
160 Best Affiliate
161 Best Adult Blogger
293 Best Adult Vlogger
262 Best Fetish Blogger / Vlogger
264 Best Fetish Forum


348 Best FAN (open mind)
162 Best FAN (Girls)
163 Best FAN (Boys)
164 Best FAN (Trans)

165 Best Goddesses FAN
166 Best Glamour Goddesses FAN
167 Best Trans Goddesses FAN
168 Best Trans Glamour Goddesses FAN

169 Best SugarDaddy FAN

284 Biggest Tip FAN

295 Best Exhibitionist FAN
170 Best Bdsm FAN
171 Best Master FAN
172 Best Slave FAN
173 Best FootFetish FAN
174 Best Sissy FAN
175 Best Humiliation FAN
176 Best Sph FAN
177 Best Joi FAN
351 Best Cuckold FAN
283 Most Sapiosexual FAN

349 Best SlaveFan in Porn Clips

Companies, professionals, products:

178 Best Cam Site
179 Most Innovative Cam Site
180 Best Freemium Cam Site
181 Best Private Cam Site
182 Best Boys Cam Site
183 Best Trans Cam Site
184 Best New Cam Site

255 Best Adult Social Network
185 Best Alternative Site for CamModels
186 Best ClipStore

267 Best Fetish Trainer / Educator
187 Best LiveCam Trainer

189 Best CamStudio
270 Best Fetish CamStudio
188 Most Innovative CamStudio
273 Best Boys CamStudio
274 Best Trans CamStudio
190 Best LGBT CamStudio
191 Best Romanian CamStudio
192 Best Colombian CamStudio
194 Best Ukrainian CamStudio

195 Best Cam Affiliate Program
196 Best Cam WhiteLabel Program

197 Best Porn Producer / Director
254 Best Erotic Movies Producer / Director
260 Best Fetish Producer
354 Best Stars Manager in Spain

198 Best Porn Site
199 Best Porn Tube
200 Best Porn Affiliate Program

201 Adult Industry Representative
202 Best Business (wo)man

204 Best Makeup Artist
205 Best Erotic Writer
206 Best Erotic Artist
259 Best Fetish Writer
290 Best Fetish Artist

207 Best VR Product
353 Best New AI project

208 Best SexToy
209 Best Sex Shop
210 Best Lingerie Shop

211 Best Payment Company
212 Best Billing Company
213 Best Mobile Company
214 Best Hosting Company
215 Best CMS Platform
216 Best Dating Site
217 Best Traffic Solution
218 Best Tattoo Studio
219 Best Plastic Surgery Clinic
220 Best New Adult Project
221 Company of the year
222 Best Adult News / Community site
223 Best Industry Event
266 Best Fetish Industry Event
238 Best Models Agency


203 Best Photographer
336 Best Budoir Photographer
337 Most Original Photographer
338 Best Alternative Erotica Photographer
268 Best Fetish Photographer
294 Best Events Photographer


339 Best Erotic Magazine
340 Best Magazine for Cams
341 Best Adult Industry Magazine
263 Best Fetish Magazine


342 Best Adult Radio
343 Best Adult Radio Host
344 Best Adult Radio Series


345 Best Sex Education Podcast
346 Best Adult Podcast
347 Best Adult Industry Podcast

Parties, swingers, lifestyle:

146 Best Exhibitionist
265 Best Fetish Party
224 Best Swingers
225 Best Swingers Site
226 Best Swingers Club
227 Best Swingers Event

228 Best SexEducator

229 Hall of Fame
257 Honorific


332 Best Crypto Project for Adult
333 Best Crypto to Invest
334 Best CryptoTrading Guru
275 Bitcoin Ambassador
335 Bitcoin Stupid

230 Super Hero (NonAdult Social Award)

* For the winners who can't participate at the EroAward Gala, we can mail them the trophy (+crown) in exchange of them covering only the mailing fees: 25€ for Spain, 45€ for Europe and 55€ outside of Europe. It is not obligatory for a winner to ask for the trophy in order to remain a winner, and any winner who doesn't want to pay the shipping fee to receive his/her trophy, is still invited to participate in the next nominations or galas. For the winners who come at the Gala, there are no extra costs regarding the trophies & crowns. For the stars who will join EroShop, and the promoters & fans who promote our affiliate program, we will offer Free Shipping of the trophy (& crown) & Free Entry at the EroAward Gala!


Diagonal Hosting is nominated as
214 Best Hosting Company
at #EroAward2024.
Please, vote!


MyBios.cc - the totally FREE & Adult Friendly alternative to Linktree / AllMyLinks,
is the next generation bio link, shorten URLs, custom QR and other FREE Tools for PRO Influencers, Content Creators, Affiliates, Webmasters, etc.


Your Banner Here
Your Banner Here

ALL the Models, Social Media Stars, CamModels & PornStars who will attend
EroAward 2024, will be interviewed and featured in our Final Video 2024, which will stay 1 full year on the FIRST page of
CamSum.com & EroAward.com, and be uploaded to 100 of the biggest Video Platforms & Porn Tubes in the world, bringing you
MILLIONS of views and FANS!

What other events gives you better & bigger promotion than us?


GuruSatoshi.com - Buy, sell, store & trade crytpocurrencies!
Cryptocurrencies Investment Education for Cam & Porn Stars, studios, promoters & fans!
With the sites like OnlyFans, you earn 80%, with 0 promotion offered?
With EroShop, we offer you LOTS OF PROMOTION, 86% earnings, and with GuruSatoshi, we teach you how you can multiply your money at least 5-10 times per year,
sometimes even 100-300 or more!
So, 86% X 10, not just 80% X 1 !!!

EroArmy - 2 guns
Do you want to join our #EroArmy?
Follow us on all our OFFICIAL Social Networks,
join our games, contests and help us with subscribe, shares,
positive comments, retweets, reposts, likes, favorites, etc!
Together, we are an UNSTOPPABLE FORCE!
Let's set all the social media ON FIRE!!!

Media partners:

LalExpo is the biggest award and events organisers for professionals from adult industry, in South America, and one of the biggest in the world, with REAL huge numbers of participants, impact and total reach! They participated at our first edition in 2016, were nominated and winners during different years, and we maintained the collaboration each year. EroAward has the biggest number of categories dedicated to professionals & companies from Latin America.
EroAward is the ONLY award that is media partner with LalExpo!

Affiliate supporter:


Cam & membership sites to earn money for Creators & Influencers!

Make money with affiliate programs for Webmasters / Affiliates!

The best cam models for Fans!


Register now to Vote!
Register here to VOTE!

We make MegaStars from Cam, Porn, Glamour models & Social Media stars!

the Erotic Award
© EroAward.com, since 2015
CamSum - the Cam & Porn Summit
Stars.EroAward.com   Badges   Rules   Contact

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